Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It seems that Mom's first day of chemo went fine. Her only complaint was being stuck in one place for six hours -- two hours of fluids, two hours of chemo, and two more hours of fluids. She also didn't like getting home so late (it was after 5:00). But, the next two chemo treatments will only be about two hours each.

When I saw Mom this evening, she said that she felt fine. The nurses told her that side effects don't always start right away. I guess the body needs a chance to be offended before it expresses its discontent. They told her that one thing she may experience tonight is a surge of energy from the steroid that she received.

Tomorrow Mom meets with the dietitian during chemo. I am most interested in the topic of nutrition because it is something that we can actively pursue. Although I can't be at the meeting tomorrow, Mom is giving the dietitian the thumbs-up so that she can talk with me. Tonight, I already got a head-start on the subject. My friend Renee suggested that Mom try Quinoa. I read that Agave nectar is better for her than white sugar. And, Mom really likes these Cliff nutrition bars that we get. So, off to the store I went. I also picked up some organic eggs and cottage cheese. Did you know that some cottage cheese has artificial color and artificial flavor? It is just crazy what they put in our food.

Alicia and Ryan are stopping over to visit Mom tonight. And, Mom's friend Ruth gave her another friend to keep her company -- a giant frog named Hercules. Another good friend sent Mom a double whammy of good luck—a small pig figure with a lady bug on his chest. It seems that pigs and lady bugs are good luck symbols in Germany. I learn something new everyday on this journey! Everyone is coming together and giving her the most wonderful support network ever. Thank you all for your phones calls, visits, cards, tokens, wishes, prayers, positive thoughts, and everything else that you are doing. I know that I don't have the inside scoop on everything that everyone is doing. But, Mom knows and it means the world to her!

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