Thursday, February 9, 2012

Before I share Mom's day with you, first I would like to share one of Conrad's life rules. (Conrad is my 8-year-old son and Mom always finds Conrad's perspectives on life to be entertaining. You may, too.) According to Conrad, the 7th life rule to remember is: Never jump out of a helicopter without a parachute. I have no idea what rules 1-6 are. But, I think I better find out—soon!

Today was the last day of the first chemo cycle. Yay! Mom is still doing well, but she did have a concern this morning. As I said in yesterday's post, she was experiencing some swelling around her ankles last night. We looked that symptom up and learned that water retention can be a side effect. This morning when she awoke, her face was also swollen. She called the hospital right away and they told her not to worry, but to tell them when she came in today. When she arrived at Froedert, before they prepared her daily concoction, Mom told them about the swelling. They said she did the best thing by telling them before treatment began. This allowed them to add a diuretic to her IV. When I saw her tonight, her ankles looked much better. She was still a little concerned about her face, but I think the swelling will continue to diminish. If not, we just need to call. The nice thing about Froedert is that she has someone to call, anytime of the day, any day of the week.

Mom ordered her wig today. She said it is slightly lighter than her current color with a similar cut. I am sure she is going to look fabulous! Did you know that insurance sometimes covers wigs? Apparently it is a "prosthetic, full head scalp". (I tried to look that up online, and all I found were some Green Day song lyrics.)

Mom also purchased a couple of head wraps. I like her head wraps so much, that I am considering getting one for myself. They are actually very fashionable. And, I have always thought that women who wear head garments look very classy.

As always, I am amazed by the many wonderful people who surround us with their caring thoughts and gestures every day. Marg Pias from church sent Mom a wonderful letter today. Not only did she encourage her in this battle, but she also wrote about the squirrels eating the bird seed. It is amazing how everyday conversation can be so healing. Also, a couple of girls from work got me a sweatshirt that says "Fight Like a Girl" with a pink ribbon on it. I am so touched by that gesture that I will never forget it. I decided to give the sweatshirt to my mom, not because I don't love it. But, because my mom is the real fighter in this. "Thank You" to all of you who go out of your way to ask how Mom is doing, to send us a recipe, or to let us know when something we need is on sale. We are so fortunate to have all of you in our lives.

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