Monday, June 25, 2012

I haven't posted in the past few days because I do not have a smart phone or lap top that would have given me Internet access over our mini-vacation weekend. I am sure I could have used my brother's, but being chained to a computer all week at work I always enjoy the break from technology.

After hearing (and sufficiently spreading) the good news, Mom, Dad, Conrad and I headed up north to meet Craig, Madeline, and Eliana. Although the weather was a bit dreary and our time limited, we had a wonderful weekend together. I can't tell you how many times I just looked at my mom and thought, "She is here. She is at the cabin. How lucky we are!"

We did much of the usual stuff. Paddle-boating. Kayaking. Hiking. Swimming. Creature catching. Mom took things pretty easy, as she should have. She continues to have the horrible coughing fits. But, they do seem to be getting farther apart. And, she was able to eat more solid food. In fact, Saturday night she had her first hamburger in probably two months!

The best parts about the weekend were the little things.

Mom forgot her belt at home. When she got dressed Friday morning her pants dropped to her knees. So, Dad made her a belt out of a piece of rope. Mom and I both laughed at her new style with her roped pants and her stubbly head. But, she couldn't have looked more beautiful to me.

Now five-years-old, Eliana decided that she wanted to sleep in the loft with me and Conrad. Craig and Madeline were hesitant because they thought she might get scared in the middle of the night. But, Conrad reassured everyone that he would take care of her. I awoke that night to hear Eliana "crying". I shot up like a flash and asked her what was wrong. She laughed at me and said, "Silly, Kerry. I'm not crying. I'm laughing!" And she proceeded to tell me about her funny dream the involved her beagle Buster walking on the ceiling.

Determined as always, Craig and Dad set up the new trampoline in the rain. After the guys finally got it assembled, we pulled out lawn chairs and sat around watching the kids bounce. Now that is entertainment!

Madeline has been doing a great job with her new Weight Watcher's program. She really doesn't need it because she looks great. Nevertheless, she seems to be enjoying counting food points and awarding herself points for exercise. It was just one more quirky thing to add the mix of our family weekend.

Today, Alicia met Dad for breakfast. Dad told Alicia that I drove on the way home going 80 miles an hour the whole way and cussing at anyone that got in my way. I called him up to discuss his unique perspective on the situation. He said, "Hey, I'm not complaining. You got us home quickly!"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mom just received a call from the doctor. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No news, yet. Mom went in this morning and they ran the test. They said that it can take up to three business days to get the results. Unfortunately, if the news comes in over the weekend, I will be out of town and unable to post on this blog. Maybe I will be able to post through my Dad's smart phone. I will try!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wednesday is a very important day. Wednesday morning at 6:30 Mom will have a test done that will determine the success of the cancer treatment. What we are all hoping for but rarely say aloud is that there will not be any cancer detected. None. Zippo. Zilch. 

I had a limited conversation with mom tonight because she was at the hospital and getting ready to leave. So, I don't know the exact kind of test they are running. But, I do know that she doesn't have to drink any radioactive fruit flavored yuck. That in itself is something to celebrate. The hospital will call her later in the day on Wednesday with the results. You can bet that I will be posting as soon as I can to let you all know what the test reveals.

Thursday evening Mom, Dad, Conrad and I are heading up north to the cabin to meet Craig, Madeline, and Eliana for a mini vacation. Nothing in this world would be better than celebrating some good news with my family this weekend.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

After picking him up from summer childcare, Conrad and I stopped to visit Mom. Conrad has a very important job at Mom's house. He puts Spike on the kitchen floor and feeds him worms. (Spike is the Bearded Dragon.) It is one job that Mom dreads, not because she is disgusted by the lizard's table manners. But, it is just one more chore that she doesn't want to think about. Today Spike was especially hungry and eagerly gobbled up six worms.

Mom and I sat and talked for a bit about this and that. Caught up in our conversation, we didn't realize that Conrad fell asleep while on lizard duty -- right in the middle of the linoleum floor! But, wait...where was Spike? He was missing! 

The missing lizard was more than a little upsetting to Mom. I tried to reassure her that we would find him. After all, he is a big, slow, not-so-bright reptile. In less than five minutes we found Spike hiding between a shelf and the wall. I picked him up and put him back in his cage. Then I decided it was time to wake the sleeping child and head home. 

Conrad is not an easy child to wake. In fact, when he was younger, if he fell asleep on the way to the grocery store, I would lay him on the bottom rack of the cart and he would sleep the entire time. But, I managed to rustle him up. The first words out of his mouth, while his eyes were still slits were, "Will someone put Spike away?" 

Perhaps this doesn't sound quite so funny now. But, at the time it was very amusing. Mom had just been telling me how much she appreciates Conrad's help with Spike and how he does such a good job. Then, of course, Conrad fell asleep and the lizard wandered off. Mom freaked and during the whole incident Conrad slept soundly—only to awaken with his first thought being his responsibility.

Tonight, as I was running this story over and over in my head with a chuckle, I realized something. Five months ago, almost to the day, was the worst day of our lives. It was the day that Mom was diagnosed with cancer. I honestly thought that I would never smile again. I was sure that the good days were over. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. Yes, the past months have been tough. But, we have had many, many good times. We have laughed and loved and lived. And we will continue to do so.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Whoa! It has been another three days since I posted. But, you can consider that a good sign. Mom is doing pretty well. Every day she eats a little more solid food. She is maintaining her weight. And, most importantly, she just seems happier. Yoga, aerobics or a nice walk are a part of her daily routine. And, she says that she is up to having Conrad two days a week while I am at work. Tomorrow is their first full day and they are headed to the movies. Of course, if it ends up being too much for her, we have a back-up plan. But, Mom wants to have him and Amanda. And, the kids want to be with her, too.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tonight when I stopped to visit Mom she looked very well! I think this is the best that I have seen her in six weeks or more. She said that she had a pretty good day, but that she was expecting a coughing fit to come along at any minute. She also said that mornings between 8:00 and 9:00 are the worst. So, she takes a nap then. Nothing wrong with that!

Here is something that is very exciting. Mom's hair is growing back! She told me before, but now you can really see it. Just when we were all getting used to her bald head...

Mom went to a special Yoga class at one of the hospitals here in Kenosha today. The class was for cancer patients and focused on breathing. Not only did she learn some new things about breathing in regards to relaxation, but also that breathing helps cleanse the body of toxins. She enjoyed the class. But, she was the only one who attended! Can you believe that? A free class and not a single other person attended. Needless to say, she received some very personalized attention.

Mom told me something tonight that I will always remember. She said that she doesn't go to classes like that expecting to become an expert. Her only goal is to leave learning one new thing. If she can learn one new thing, then the effort was worth it. No wonder my mom is so smart. Learning is her lifestyle.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Today I was so touched to receive the perfect postcard from Mom's friend, Michelle Nielsen. On the front of the card is a picture of trees on a mountain top and a quote by John Muir.

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

It amazes me that Michelle knew how strongly that message would speak to me, especially considering that Michelle has only known me through my Mom and this blog. It is incredibly ironic that I discovered the most magical spot just the other day in the woods near our home. It is like the landscape one might see in the Lord of the Rings movie, only real—lush with green ferns and grasses that reach up to your shoulders and a quiet stream with just enough stepping stones to get you across. I brought my son there because I needed to share this place with him. When he asked me if I have ever seen a spot this special, the place that came to mind was Machu Picchu. Yes—a Machu Picchu only blocks from my home in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Thank you so very much, Michelle, for being such a wonderful friend to my mom and for keeping all of us in your thoughts.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The past few days have been a bit of a whirlwind. My husband Charlie had sinus surgery on Thursday. I don't think I really appreciated all of the work he did around the house until he couldn't do it. (Sorry, Char.) I decided that I really wanted to spend another weekend hanging out with my parents. So, I pushed the housework on through and was able to go to visit Mom and Dad both days.

Conrad went with me. Saturday we put up the hammock and the umbrella shade thing-a-ma-bob. Then we just sat around chatting, relaxing and playing musical chairs. (We had a hard time deciding whether we wanted sun or shade, a hammock or chair, etc. Such decisions!) Conrad took out the bearded dragon who enjoyed basking in the sun and tromping through the grass. Alicia also came by after work. I made potato pancakes for dinner. Mom is still struggling with getting food down. So, she decided to save hers to try another day.

On Sunday, we stopped over again after swimming at the lake. This time we parked ourselves on the back deck and watched the birds. I never realized how much fun just hanging out is. All you need is some good company and a comfy chair. The sunshine helps, too. I couldn't be more thankful to have spent another great weekend with my parents.

Below: Alicia and Conrad, just hanging out.