Sunday, April 15, 2012

This weekend I dogsat Lucy (my parent's dog) while Mom and Dad went to visit Craig and his family. And I had this brilliant idea (or so I thought). I would take Lucy to the groomer and surprise Mom with a clean and neatly trimmed pooch for her birthday! I thought it was a fabulous birthday gift. Lucy has never been to a professional groomer and Mom has sometimes shown curiosity in the possibility.

The grooming appointment was today and things went smoothly. Lucy received a good behavior report and looked and smelled wonderful when I picked her up. But, when I dropped Lucy off at my parents, Kevin wasn't convinced that Mom would be as thrilled as I was. Then it hit me. What if she hated it? What if Dad hated it? What have I done! I went behind their backs, transferred vaccination records so that Lucy could go to the groomer, and had their little dog completely transformed. For three hours I worried that I may have made a huge mistake.

Then I got the call. It was Mom. "She is so cute! She is so cute!!" Mom repeated that phrase probably ten times. I could hear the excitement in her voice and was pretty sure that she was happy with her gift. She said that Dad is okay with it, too.

So, what is the moral of the story? I don't exactly know. Maybe it is that sometimes you need to take a risk. Maybe it is that sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some. This time I won one. (Whew!) And, Mom has a cute and clean puppy to snuggle with during this week of chemo.

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