Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Things are tough. The next two weeks are probably going to be the most difficult, yet. Mom isn't experiencing any unusual symptoms, but the expected symptoms have arrived. Her appetite is very sluggish, but her sense of smell is overactive. Every smell is heightened. Some of the most common smells, like the yeast in bread, Mom finds revolting.

Probably the worst symptom is what Mom refers to as "coughing up a hairball." Of course, Mom isn't really coughing up fur, but she is spitting up mucous as a result of the bad cells sloughing off. I haven't actually witnessed one of these episodes. But, Mom says that it sounds horrible and feels just as bad. Dad is being a great support to her and Mom has told me several times in the past few days what a wonderful man he is. Mom's greatest fear is that she will have one of the "hairball episodes" in public. Even if she makes it to a restroom, she is afraid of scaring someone with her gagging. Even now, in the midst of the greatest challenge of her life, Mom is concerned about others.

Today Mom's dietitian told her that she is not the least bit concerned about Mom because she is the best patient ever. She said that Mom's outlook is unbelievably positive and that is what is most important right now. She has seen many patients simply give up when they reach this stage of treatment. But, lucky for us, that isn't an option for Mom. She told me today, "Give up? I don't think so. I haven't been going through this for three months to give up. No way."

I am so incredibly proud of my Mom. I love her more than I could ever express in words. Please keep her strong in your thoughts and prayers.

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