Wednesday, October 17, 2012

People have told me that they admire how positive I am in writing this blog. And, yes, it is true -- I try to stay positive. After all, the alternative isn't such a great option. But, sometimes I hurt so incredibly bad that I couldn't imagine a worse pain.

All of my life my mom has been there to help heal my wounds -- both physical and emotional. She has done more for me than any other person on this earth. And now, I feel so helpless because I can't make this cancer go away. If only I could make this cancer go away...

Tonight as I type through a veil of tears, I think of all of the people who are with us on this journey. When I see that this blog has had over 3,200 page views, I know that we are not alone in our pain. Nor are we alone in our search for answers. There are so many people in this world who love my mom. Thank you so very much for loving my mom.


  1. Kerry,
    My mom is just a few months behind your mom on the small cell esophageal cancer journey. I read your blog faithfully and want you to know I'm sending support to your entire family. It has been incredible to know someone else was walking this path ahead of my mother. Like you, we try to embrace the joy of each day and laugh as much as we can. Thank you for sharing your story.
    Best to you all.

  2. Maura, I am incredibly touched by your comment. I had no idea that people were reading this blog that are facing their own struggles with cancer. I figured that it was just family and friends who follow along. And, I haven't known anyone who has the same kind of cancer that my mom has. I truly feel that an angel has come into our lives today. Thank you. I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts. You are not alone. Keep laughing and loving. Kerry
