Saturday, October 27, 2012

On Wednesday, after a beautiful morning at the zoo, Mom and I went to her oncologist appointment. This was the first time that we were to talk with Dr. Ritche since learning of the brain metastasis. While Dr. Ritche acknowledged the seriousness of this development, he said that it is possible that the course of radiation that Mom just completed will destroy the brain tumors. As he told us before, small cell cancer is tough because it spreads very quickly. However, it tends to respond favorably to radiation. He shared a story of a patient of his who was diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer that metastasized to the brain. They were able to eradicate the brain tumors with radiation. The man lived an additional 14 years. Dr. Ritche told us that he cannot say if Mom will live one year or 14 years. But, he will do everything in his power to give her the best chance for survival.

As we left the appointment, Mom and I were walking arm in arm down the cancer center halls. Mom's doctor had just given us some encouragement and nothing could bring us down. Then, I couldn't believe my eyes. Walking toward us was the hospital doctor who told us three weeks ago that Mom would die from this cancer in six months. I held on tight to my mom, walked right up the doctor, and said rather boldly, "Hi. Remember us? You treated my mom in the hospital about three weeks ago. Look at her? Doesn't she look amazing? She is doing so well!" The blank look on his face told me that this young doctor had no idea who we were or what her condition was. (Funny how I will never forget his face.) Then Mom and I took off for Barnes and Noble. And, we rode with the sun roof wide open.

Below: Mom and I at the zoo. It was a gorgeous fall day and we enjoyed just being outside.


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