Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If you have ever loved an animal that you have had to say your final goodbyes to, you will appreciate this story. If you haven't, you will think I am crazy. But, I'm okay with that.

I had a friend named Derry. Derry was the most wonderful golden retriever that you could know. She was the kindest soul and lived to be near her people. She was not "my dog" in the sense that she lived in another house, with other owners who loved her very much. They owned the company where I am employed and they brought Derry in every day. Because her owners are elderly people and were not able to walk her, I walked Derry every day on my lunch break. After lunch, Derry would take her afternoon nap at my feet, under my desk. We were the best of friends.

In February of this year Derry died. She had cancer that could not be controlled. I was never able to say a final goodbye. At the time my life seemed to be falling apart in so many ways. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer. A few weeks later my husband lost his job. Losing Derry was something that I couldn't cope with. So, I set the pain aside.

Yesterday I decided to start taking a walk on my lunch break again. I had always walked with Derry. This was my first time walking without her. I decided to go on one of our favorite walks. It is a nice neighborhood that is lined by fields. I always enjoyed watching and listening to the red-winged black birds in the fields. I wasn't prepared for the sadness that filled me.

As I walked, grief rose inside of me. My friend was gone. She was really gone and would never walk beside me again. I couldn't help but think how much she would enjoy the day, if she were here. I broke down in tears. And then I spoke to her. I told her, "Derry, I miss you. I love you very much. And, if there is any way for you to let me know if you are okay, will you please do so?" I realize that this sounds a little crazy. But, if you have ever loved an animal that you have lost, I think you will understand.

Today I decided to take the same walk. I was expecting to feel sadness again. But, I was not expecting this...

Walking toward me on the sidewalk about a block away was a man and his golden retriever. I was quite a distance from them, but I could see from the dog's posture that the dog was very eager to meet me. I slowly approached and called to the man, "Is it okay if I say hello to your dog?"

The man told me "yes" and he released his dog, who came running toward me with such happy anticipation that it filled my heart. At this point, I realized that I had met this man and his dog Cody before. Derry and I had met them probably six months earlier on one of our walks.

I was absolutely stunned by the greeting that Cody offered me. His entire body wagged. I instinctively knelt down beside him and he just oozed with joy. I couldn't help but return the sentiment. Cody's owner started talking to me, and I tried to listen, but I was completed distracted. The only thing that I have ever experienced like this was when I went away to Spain for ten days and saw my own two dogs upon my return. But they were my dogs. And I was gone for days. Why were this dog and I who I hadn't spent more than ten minutes of our lives together so happy to see each other? And then it hit me.

I cannot describe how I know this. But everything in my being tells me that for a moment in time I was reunited with my dear friend Derry. I asked her to speak to me. And, she did.

Below is a picture of Derry and my son Conrad.


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