Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today is the one month anniversary of my mother's death.

It has been the worst month of my life.

If I live to be my mom's age at passing, I have to live another 360 months without her.

Today, this thought is unbearable.

They tell me it will get better with time.

But, for now, all I can see is a vast stretch of loneliness and grief.

I miss you, Mom.


  1. Kerry,
    Just want you to know I'm thinking of you. You and your mom are with me every day.


  2. Thank you so very much, Maura. I'd like to hear how you and your mom are doing. I think about you often.

  3. Thanks, Kerry. My poor mom has had a rough two months. After all of her treatment, they think she now has shingles with no rash. But she's keeping her head up and enjoying the freshness of spring (though there's a chance of snow today). We have another PET scan Monday.

    It's been an astonishing year but filled with so many gifts, odd as that may seem. I have kids, like you (a third grader as well) and they've been magic for my parents. We just focus on the joy in the moment.

    Your blog has been an incredible guide for me. Thank you. If there is anything I can do for you, from so far away, let me know. But I do think of you both all the time.


  4. Please tell your mom that she has a friend in Wisconsin, thinking of her. She must be an amazing spirit! I'll bet she is an inspiration to you all. I will pray for good news on Monday. My hope is that your mom is able to enjoy the coming seasons. I believe that our children are pure angels. I witness the magic in my kids everyday. My mom's mother died when my mom was only 34. I recently asked my mom, "How did you live through your mother's death?" She told me, "I had you guys."
