Monday, April 22, 2013

Mom was with me again tonight!

This evening as I was playing the piano, I was wondering when Mom might "speak" to me again. It has been a couple of weeks since I noticed a confirmation that she is nearby.

After playing a few songs, I went upstairs to start getting the room ready for bed. One of Mom's journals was sitting on my dresser, so I thought I would try to read a few entries. The journal reading has been very emotionally difficult for me. But, tonight was different. I laughed so hard at some of the things that she wrote that I cried! The words were so much my mom! Below is part of her entry on October 15, 2012.

"Something Kevin just said as we are talking at the table. It's 'negative' but I'm going to laugh about it all day because it is one of those really true observations. The 'light at the end of the tunnel' is a freight train. (Here she drew a smiley face.) See how a 'negative' can make you laugh? Because we all have survived and will survive FREIGHT TRAINS."

As I was reading this, and laughing my butt off I noticed a noise outside of my window. Guess what it was? A TRAIN! It was thunderously loud and the horn was blaring. We live a good mile or more away from the nearest tracks, and it isn't often that we hear trains. Occasionally, I hear them on a walk, but rarely do I notice them when I am in the house.

Then, to squelch any bit of doubt in my mind of the miracle I was experiencing, I continued to read the journal entry of that day. Mom was talking about miracles and wrote about running into Michou Hujik in the bathroom at Froedtert that day. She was excited about the "miracle" and went on to say this:

"O.K. So chance encounters in bathrooms are not miracles? Yes, they are when they brighten our days!"

Well, guess what -- reading my mom's journal entry about freight trains and hearing one outside my window brightened my week! So, I am just going to have to take this as a miracle. Thank you, Mom!

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