Thursday, November 15, 2012

The following post has been sitting in my "Drafts" folder for weeks. It is a bit old, and unfinished. But, there are many important things to share. And, since my Mom's newest motto is "Nothing is 100%", I am just going to let this one fly as is. Enjoy!

So many wonderful things have happened since my last post. I am not going to remember all of them at one sitting. But, I will share with you the ones that first come to mind.

Mom was so completely surprised when she received an envelope from a friend of days gone by. Gloria and Mom were friends in Longfellow grade and junior high school in La Crosse, WI. Mom said that she hasn't seen or spoken to Gloria since she was a teen. Recently, Gloria found this blog and wanted to share her support. She mailed mom a FROG (fully relying on God) card, pictures from their school days, pictures of Gloria's beautiful family, and a very touching letter. When Mom received these gifts, she kept repeating, "I can't believe this! I just can't believe this!!" Thank you so very much, Gloria. We are thinking of you and are comforted by your presence on this journey.

Mom received another surprise when she answered her phone in the early hours on Friday. Gonzalo, who was a former student of Mom's and nephew through marriage, called from Panama! After her phone call, Mom texted me right away. "Got a call from Gonzalo!!!" She was so excited to have talked with him, as they haven't seen each other in years. Gonzalo has been following this blog and I have been in touch with him on Facebook over the past year. He told me that when he read the post I had written that said "No Cancer!" Gonzalo grabbed a group of friends and went out to celebrate. When his friends asked him what they were celebrating, he replied simply, "Life."

On Friday my Mom and Dad celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary with Aunt Karen and Uncle Roger. The foursome went out for Chicago style pizza. For as long as I can remember, Aunt Karen and Uncle Roger have been a constant source of love and support in our lives. Now, with this cancer, my aunt and uncle remain as steadfast as always. Although they live an hour and a half away, it feels as if they are right here. They are always making the effort to come for a visit and calling to see how we are doing. We are so very lucky to have them now, and as always.

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