Sunday, December 16, 2012

Today as I was sitting in the parking lot at church waiting for my dad to drop Mom off, I saw the most joyful sight—Mom driving herself to church!

I will never forget watching that little Fiat pulling though the parking lot and realizing that it was not my dad, but my mom at the wheel. She drove like she always has, like a woman on a mission. And today her mission was illuminated by a cheerful pink scarf.

It sounds like such a simple thing. But, I cannot describe the joy that this picture brought to my spirit. In fact, I got out of my car, starting jumping around the parking lot and throwing fists into the air. "Yeah, Mom! You Go, Mom!! Woooo Hoooo!!!"

My mother is the most independent, active woman that I have ever known. She has been known to say goodbye to my dad at sunrise and not come back until the sun sets. But, for the past three months, Mom has not driven anywhere. She has had to depend on her family and friends for transportation everywhere. And not once have I heard her complain about this loss of independence. The only thing she has said is that she "feels bad" that Dad has to take her everywhere.

On Tuesday Mom will have her CT and MRI tests run. On Thursday we will meet with her doctors and they will tell us what they find. We don't know what the tests will reveal or how the doctors will respond. But, one thing is certain. Today, December 16, 2012, Marguerite Conrad drove herself to church. And that fact couldn't have made her daughter happier.

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