Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and Mom and Dad are heading back up north for a week. This time it will only be my parents, up until the last day. Then Craig and his family will move into the cabin for the next few weeks. Of course, Mom and Dad would have loved to spend more time with them, but Mom has to be back on Friday for a social gathering. The next week she will be heading back up to Froedert to meet with her oncologist.
Today Mom told me that she has a new concern to share with her doctors. Her feet feel numb. She knows that can be a side effect of the treatments. But, it seems odd that this would be occurring now. Other than that Mom is feeling better slowly but surely. She still needs her rest and the coughing fits are still with her. Her esophagus is also still healing and therefore painful at times. But, everyday she shows a slight increased interest in food. Today she was inquring about Subway. I think a meatball sub is in the near future.
The best thing that happened this week is that Mom invited me to go to Door County with her on October 6th. While the trip will certainly be fun, the very best thing about it is that she made plans for three months from now. A month ago Mom wouldn't have made plans for a week in the future, let alone three months.
Every day I am thankful that I have another day with my Mom. When anything goes wrong, or I am just having a bad day, I think of the gift that we have been given. Nothing in this world compares.